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News from Dewa Sanzan Shrine  

About new coronavirus infectious disease measures to worshipers
For the period, Yamagata-shi from Thursday, January 27 to Sunday, February 20 and Shonai area "emphasis measures are applied to prevention of spread". 
Our Shinto shrine performs preventive measures against corona infection, too, but, in the worshipers, the cooperation to securing of social distance, mask wearing, thermometry sterilization, please.
In addition, please write down the next mountain, worship when there is poor physical condition to, the family with fever, a cough, lassitude, a cold symptom.

I continue preventive measures against infection spread to have you pray safely.
・Mask wearing (I wear a mask during Rogation Days, a wedding) of the staff
・It is installed antiseptic solution, the thermometer in gathering
・Setting (prevention of droplet infection) of the acrylic board in the conferment place
・Thorough sterilization such as a reception desk counter, a rental ball-point pen, a chair, a shelf, a vending machine, the banister of the lobby
To a person refraining from going out, I accept the application for prayer, lucky charm by the mail.
 For more details, please see this. → Common question Q&A [Mt. Haguro] 

I would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Dewa Sanzan Shrine (Mt. Haguro)
The morning 8: 30 - afternoon 5: To 00
About the mail correspondence of a prayer, the lucky charm,
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