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News from Dewa Sanzan Shrine  

About Monday, March 11 East Japan revival restoration Rogation Days, a victim memorial service
The time of two years is going to pass from the Great East Japan Earthquake soon. Revival advances little by little at the stricken area, but thinks with the earthquake disaster that pains and sorrow are had, the which is far, and still yet has a hometown coming still more.
A feeling of the prayer of many of you may lead to revival even a little.
saiko does East Japan revival restoration Rogation Days, a victim memorial service in the following in this year. I will pray for the speedy revival of the stricken area and peace of spirit of a dead person.
1, date and time Monday, March 11 2:46 p.m. ...
1, place Hagurosan Mikami enshrining of more than two deities, holding a ceremony for the dead
As you are free to do 1, remarks three lines, in the case of the next mountain, please speak to a receptionist.
Dewa Sanzan Shrine
7, Toge, Haguromachitouge, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata
TEL. 0235-62-2355
FAX. 0235-62-2352
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